FPSB Council
The FPSB Council is a forum for financial planning organizations from around the world seeking to build awareness of the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER marks and the profession of financial planning. The FPSB Council acts as an advisory and consultative body to FPSB’s Board of Directors and includes delegates from each of the affiliate organizations.
Voting members of the FPSB Council include FPSB Affiliates, which are organizations authorized by FPSB to administer the CFP certification program in a territory, and CFP Board, the owner of the CFP marks in the U.S. FPSB Associates, which are organizations preparing to offer CFP certification, do not have voting rights and are not authorized to grant individuals the right to use the CFP marks.
In addition to regular telephonic meetings, the FPSB Council meets with the FPSB Board of Directors (typically in April and October) to:
- Provide feedback to FPSB’s Board of Directors on a variety of issues and to ratify Board decisions, as required by FPSB bylaws;
- Discuss trends and developments in the global financial services arena and their potential impact on FPSB, its affiliate organizations and CFP certification;
- Create, review, debate and approve policies and procedures for the management, protection and promotion of the international CFP certification program;
- Provide opportunities for FPSB’s affiliate organizations to engage directly with FPSB directors and staff; and
- Allow FPSB affiliate organizations and those interested in becoming FPSB affiliate organizations to share ideas/best practices with peer bodies from around the world, learn about areas of common interest, and gain knowledge/support that enhances standards-setting efforts.